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Improve your students' listening skills


In this digital age, storytelling, comprehension, language learning, speaking and listening are all evolving before our eyes. Teaching, then, must recognize and value the fact that improving the skills of students doesn’t always have to be done with pen and paper or let us say in a  traditional setting.

We are all aware of how imaginative and great thinkers this generation is. Films, music, artworks, photography and other art forms. These can all be integrated in teaching language. Since young children and learners live their lives with the use of technology; there are platforms and tools that can be used in teaching language creatively. Read the article below and find out more about some tools and platforms you can use in developing listening skills of your students. 


from www. BBC/

"The Proms"

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

"Inside the Writer's Room"

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

'Frankenstein" Part 1

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
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