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Unleashing Your Thoughts into the Wilderness!

Writing Your Own Poem? Isn’t a Problem!

If you want to express your feelings or thoughts about things and can’t think of a way on how to do it, here’s your SuperArtchers ready to give you some tips on how transcribe your thoughts into words through writing!

Creating your own poem can be a bit risky if you do not know why are you writing in the first place but through these steps and tips, you will be able to build your foundation on your future poems and write-ups.

  1. Why are you Writing?

The foremost thing to remember in writing poetry is to know your goal. Think of your desired outcomes in writing your personal piece. You have to come up with your poem’s desire before and after reaching its readers. It is important to know your poem’s minimum and maximum capacity of depth perception.

Remember, most poems that has been written are all meant to interact with its readers. Writing a poem is like giving a taste to a specific topic that the readers has been wanting to read and feel all at the same time.

2. What are we Seeing?

The second thing to remember is in poetry, you have to express through images. Just because it’s writing doesn’t mean that you are unable to see things. In the English language they call it Imagery. It is mostly a language that causes people to imagine pictures in their mind. In order to have a vivid poem that will connect itself to the readers, you will need to use images for them to see what’s going on to your written output.

If your readers were able to see “yellow flower” as something that gives happiness or define success, then you’re good to go!

3. Your Words!

Next stop: Your Choice of Words

Make sure that yours words are appropriate to your poem. As much as possible, you should avoid using deep words that might confuse your readers in understanding the real message hidden in your images/words. The deeper the words, the bigger the possibility of misleading the readers in the real story behind your poems.

4. Theme Check

Even though your readers are not into reading poetry or an avid fan of written outputs, as long as they have understood the theme, on where your poem is coming from—it will go beyond their minds. To think a lot. To understand the poem on their own perception.

It would allow them to think and to delve deeper on the other side of the story engraved in your poem… on what does this poem has to offer. Revealing your theme to your readers will add spice and will let them bury their heads absorbing your poem—for it would connect them to your significant human experience.

5. Leave me, Come Back & Let’s Revise

After finishing your poem, it is best to leave it for a while and come back to revise. Researchers say that it would help you to find ways on how to make your outputs better by searching the crowd and after coming back, you’ll have another view to whether maintain its original shape or add something more.

Revising opens a door of opportunity to every writer or even aspiring-writers in making their work better without devaluing the original version of the output made 😊

SuperArtchers are glad to give you the basic ways and tips in writing your own poem. Follow these steps if you want to make your own poem more appealing to the eye of its readers without letting its quality suffer. We are hoping we were able to give you a firsthand in this short discussion in learning how to write your own poem.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your sheets of paper, Find the perfect pen— Ready, Set, Write!

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