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How To Teach Grammar in a Blended-Learning way


Hello Artchers! So, you wanted to learn how to teach grammar in a way that would make your students think grammar is cool? Great! That’s how artchers should think! Well, then let’s start!

So, there’s three levels you could choose from.

LEVEL 1: Traditional Learning with a newbie techy teacher.

LEVEL 2: Blended Learning with a versatile teacher.

LEVEL 3: Online Learning with a tech guru.

But, in this article, we’ll focus on LEVEL 2.

Firstly, you should choose a specific topic for your lesson. For now, we will use Subject-Verb Agreement as our topic.

Blended Learning is a combination of Traditional learning with Online learning. It is usually used by most of the teachers nowadays without knowing it. However, we will focus on an artistic way of Teaching through Blended Learning.

Since there are multiple types of Blended Learning, let’s choose the “Flipped Classroom” where in you let your students study at home and do activities at school. This is also an application of Mobile Assisted Language Learning.

To do this, you must make sure you have a virtual version of your classroom like a Facebook group. This is where you communicate with your students—Posting videos or articles they should see to study on their own pace. For example, in level 1, there was an original video that talks about SVA. You could post these on your group or find credible resources that discusses the same topic.

Just make sure to offer credible sources such as Khan Academy, Grammarly or some chosen YouTube channels.

The next day, students must already be knowledgeable of the topic. This is where they will be needing your ‘existence’. Most of the students nowadays, do not respect their teachers because they thought that what they teach is already available in the net but let’s prove them wrong.

You, as an artcher, must think of a creative activity that includes Technology that they would surely love. You could consider the following activities:


Use Social Media as an authentic material. They must find at least 10 sentences they have posted before that breaks the rule of Subject-Verb agreement. Note that, they must have screenshot of it. Then, they should correct their mistakes to make it grammatically correct.


This could serve as only a synthesis of your discussion. Instructing them to meme themselves as to how they reacted to their past self, committing Subject-Verb Agreement mistakes.

Students could use Picsart, Giphy, Meme generator for this. That's it, artchers! I hope this could spark bright ideas from you 'cause I believe in your creative mind, artcher!

Thank you for reading!

-Artcher Jahz

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